James Corn
Director of Public Works
Ph: (281) 292-4648
Fx: (281) 367-7729
Chad Griggs
Superintendent / Inspections
Ph: (832) 506-5209
Office: (832) 381-3324
Brian Leveston
Code Enforcement
Ph: (832) 948-3867
Fx: (281) 367-7729
The Community Development Department performs a wide variety of services intended to protect, maintain, and develop an attractive, safe, and healthy environment for the citizens and businesses in Oak Ridge North.
We are committed to providing our citizens and businesses with exceptional customer service and encourage feedback to continually improve our operations. The City of Oak Ridge North does have Zoning requirements. More information about zoning can be found by clicking the Permits & Zoning button below.
Responsibilities of the Department include:
Issuing development, building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire, irrigation, sign, demolition, food vendor permits, and pet registrations;
Investigating citizen complaints and concerns that are within the scope of code enforcement and building regulations;
Review property development and land use activities occurring in the City to achieve compliance with the City zoning ordinance;
Educate the public on code issues.
Work with the citizens and businesses of our community.​
Standard Permit Applications and Process
If a permit is needed, an application for a permit must be completed and submitted to the Building Department with all required drawings, specifications, plan review fees, and any additional information that may be required. The typical plan review time for permits that require drawings is 10 days. If drawings are not needed for a permit, the permits are usually
issued the same day.
Request for Zoning Permits such as Special Exceptions, Specific Use Permits, Variances, and Plats are available upon request. Please contact the Director of Community Development for special permits.
Code Enforcement
What is Code Enforcement?
Code Enforcement is responsible for the enforcement of City codes relating to bandit signs, abandoned and junked vehicles, substandard structures, weeds, brush, rubbish, and unsanitary matter. One of the main goals of Code Enforcement is to bring to the attention of residential and business owners any existing code violation which could have a negative impact on their community. Many such code violations are referred to as "public nuisances." Through voluntary compliance, cooperation, and a spirit of personal responsibility for the well-being of our community, conditions that create code violations can be eliminated and in turn, make the City of Oak Ridge North an even better place to live.
Ordinances Related to Code Enforcement can be found in Chapter 15 Code of Ordinances, Substandard Structures/Property Maintenance Code and Chapter 34 Code of Ordinances, Environment.
Adopted Codes and Standards
Construction codes and standards are made to establish the minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety, and general welfare of The City of Oak Ridge North. As of January 1, 2020, Oak Ridge North adopted the following editions of construction codes. In addition to the following codes being adopted, the City has amendments to the codes and additional regulations for signage, fencing, zoning, mobile food vendors, wreckers, and subdivision regulations. The amendments and additional regulations may be found using the following link for the Code of Ordinances. The site is in the process of being updated. Additional links will be added in the near future. Thank you for your cooperation.
Construction Codes and Standards
2018 International Building Code-Commercial (Amendments)
2018 International Residential Code (Amendments)
2018 International Existing Building Code (Amendments)
2018 International Property Maintenance Code (Amendments)
2018 International Fire Code (Amendments)
2018 International Energy Conservation Code (Amendments)
2018 International Fuel Gas Code (Amendments)
2018 International Plumbing Code(Amendments)
2018 International Mechanical Code (Amendments)
2023 National Electric Code (Amendments)
2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (Amendments)
Code Of Ordinances