Eva McCoin
Director of Finance
Ph: (281) 292-4648
Fx: (281) 367-7729
Carol Alexander
Accounting Assistant
The Finance Department receives and secures all money belonging to the municipality. The Department makes all payments and renders a full statement of receipts and payments.
Other responsibilities of the Finance Department include:
Preparation of annual budget
Maintaining financial records
Conducting the annual audit
Dispensing payroll and accounts payable
Controlling revenue collection
Financial Transparency:
The City of Oak Ridge North is committed to financial transparency. We believe in providing our taxpayers with the information necessary to make informed decisions about the financial stability of the City. For that reason, we are committed to transparency. Our goal is to present the information in a format that is easily understandable and recognizable to all.
Budget Transparency:
The City of Oak Ridge North is committed to budget transparency. Click the budget transparency button to view more.
The City’s Property Tax Rate for 2024 is $.4408 per $100 of assessed value. These taxes are collected by Tammy J. McRae, Montgomery County Tax Assessor/Collector, through an inter-local agreement.
Click the PDF icon to see the full tax information.
The tax rate is broken down as follows: $.3335 for general maintenance and operations of the City, such as police protection, traffic control, street maintenance, parks and recreation, and general finance and administrative services, and $.1073 for repayment of debt service obligations.
The sales and use tax rate for the City if 8.25%. The State of Texas receives 6.25% and the City receives 2% of this tax. Of this 2%, 1% is used to support general operations of the City while 1/2% goes to the Oak Ridge North Economic Development Corporation and is designated to make infrastructure improvements to attract economic development to the community and 1/2% is used to decrease the local property tax rate.