Public Works
James Corn
Director of Public Works
Ph: (281) 292-4648
Fx: (281) 367-7729
Mark Dutton
Assistant Director of Public Works
Ph: (281) 292-4648
Fx: (281) 367-7729
After Hours:
The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance, operations, and care of the City's infrastructure and public facilities.
These duties include:
Maintenance and operation of water/sanitary sewer utilities
Regulation of recycling pickup through Waste Management
Operation of the water plant
Maintenance of all City properties, including easements
Maintenance of drainage facilities and streets
And more
Controlling mosquito populations and reducing the risk for West Nile virus must be done on several fronts—education and prevention are at the forefront of those efforts. As we head into mosquito season, it’s imperative that residents take steps to protect themselves and control mosquito populations at home.
While mosquito “season” typically runs from May through October, Oak Ridge North has already ramped up its efforts to monitor and control mosquitoes. The City kicked off the program on April.
The City’s primary measure in combating mosquitoes will be its larvicide program. It has proven to be a more effective method for treating mosquito-prone areas than spraying, without causing any harmful effects to people. This method is used to treat public areas like channels and parks. If you need larvicide briquettes (“donuts”) they are generally available at hardware and home improvement stores.
The City contracts with a pest control company to perform several spraying applications throughout the mosquito season. The spraying will be conducted on 3 consecutive nights each month, as recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Additional applications may be performed prior to holidays or scheduled events.
Drainage System Maintenance
It is illegal in The City of Oak Ridge North to dump any type of debris into a canal, stream, river or drainage ditch. This debris can become entangled in culverts and shallow streambeds, canals or drainage ditches and impede drainage causing the flow of water to back up. Citizens of Oak Ridge North should also keep drainage ditches on their property free of debris, foliage and vegetation that would impede the flow of water. The city inspects all channels and ditches at least once a year, if you see channels that are blocked or debris that has been dumped, please report it to the City.
Debris dumping should be reported to the City Police Department at 281.292.4762.